Literary nonsense[[["...
Literary nonsense (or nonsense literature) is a broad categorization of literature that uses
sensical and
nonsensical elements to defy language conventions or logical reasoning. Even though the most well-known form of literary nonsense is nonsense verse, the genre is present in many forms of literature.
The effect of nonsense is often caused by an excess of meaning, rather than a lack of it.
Nonsense is often humorous in nature, although its humor is derived from its nonsensical nature, as opposed to most humor which is funny because it does make sense.
In literary nonsense, formal diction and tone may be balanced with elements of absurdity. It is most easily recognizable by the various techniques it uses to create nonsensical effects, such as faulty cause and effect, portmanteau, neologism, reversals and inversions, imprecision, simultaneity, picture/text incongruity, arbitrariness, infinite repetition, negativity or mirroring, and misappropriation.[6] Nonsense tautology, reduplication, and absurd precision have also been used effectively in the nonsense genre.[7] For a text to be within the bounds of literary nonsense, it must have an abundance of nonsense techniques woven into the fabric of the piece. If the text employs only occasional nonsense techniques, then it may not be classified as literary nonsense, though there may be a nonsensical effect to certain portions of the work.[8]
Nonsense literature is effective because of the human desire to find meaning everywhere, in everything, and where perhaps none exists.[9]
What nonsense is
Gibberish can be a form of nonsense, but true nonsense literature has semantic, syntactic, honetic or contextual meaning.[10] Literature that employs the use of neologisms or made-up words is distinguished from gibberish if the context assigns meaning to those words or if word play is used to associate the gibberish with familiar words, such as "Jabberwocky" or "Hey Diddle Diddle".[11]
Nonsense is distinct from fantasy, though there are sometimes resemblances between them.
While nonsense may employ the strange creatures, other worldly situations, magic, and talking animals of fantasy, these supernatural phenomena are not nonsensical if they have a discernible logic supporting their existence. The distinction lies in the coherent and unified nature of fantasy.[12] Everything follows logic within the rules of the fantasy world; the nonsense world, on the other hand, has no system of logic, although it may imply the existence of an inscrutable one, just beyond our grasp.[13] The nature of magic within an imaginary world is an example of this distinction. Fantasy worlds employ the presence of magic to logically explain the impossible. In nonsense literature, magic is rare but when it does occur, its nonsensical nature only adds to the mystery rather than logically explaining anything. An example of nonsensical magic occurs in Carl Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories, when Jason Squiff, in possession of a magical "gold buckskin whincher", has his hat, mittens, and shoes turn into popcorn because, according to the "rules" of the magic, "You have a letter Q in your name and because you have the pleasure and happiness of having a Q in your name you must have a popcorn hat, popcorn mittens and popcorn shoes".[14]
Riddles only appear to be nonsense until the answer is found. The most famous nonsense riddle is only so because it originally had no answer.[15] In Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter asks Alice "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?" When Alice gives up, the Hatter replies that he does not know either, creating a nonsensical riddle.[16] Some seemingly nonsense texts are actually riddles, such as the popular 1940s song "Mairzy Doats", which at first appears to have little discernible meaning but has a discoverable message.[17]
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...nonsense literature, and the English Logical Legal System...! The Lawyers of B.H.T. write non-sense documents !
...the Bible in most of it's content could be considered and is: non-sense literature and/or fantasy literature...! The Bible is not even Science Fiction novel literature...!!! The Bible lacks logic in many things and thus is non-sense...! The Bible is fictional, as it has un-proven stories and persons/characters[Adam and Eve, etc...The Book of Genesis is claimed to have been written by revelation to Moses a few thousand years after Eden...!], and unproven places like Heaven and Hell and the Eternal Lake of Fire...!
...but the Bible uses good practices of Family, Civil Social Life, and morals and ethics..!
But that is mainly all the good logic!
... the English Justice System cannot surpass the good logic of word meanings and ignore non-sense...! Examples: [1] The English Logical Justice system could logically surpass a document in which a person signs a extreme harm to that person's family and not on extreme grounds of insanity, but of ignorance or non intended malice, or intended malice by third parties to his own person...! [2] The English system could surpass a document in which a person has signed a contract to be legally euthanized or killed, on the grounds of ignorance or non intended self damage...! [3] Surpass a document in which an illegal detention to mental health "hardship" and "hurt/torture" was signed! Etc...!