Sunday, August 31, 2014

More Sunday logicalities of the Bible & AnAgrAmmAter: " Genesis 6th day has a time frame problem between the creation of only man/Adam and then Eden with Eve...!


"MAN" was made on the 6th day, in Genesis chapter 1!
Then in Genesis chapter 2 the Garden of Eden appears in the narration or is made!

For this story to be true, Eden had to have been made on this 6th day also! And the Woman Eve!
And not as it appears to have passed a longer time for ADAM to be said to be lonely with only the animals he was to put names for!
It is very implausible for all this to have been all done on the literal 6th day of Creation!
Not as the narration goes! Forwards and backwards in the time frame, but wrongly!

We have seas only in the Genesis chapter one creation days! Then in Genesis 2, we get 4 Rivers with names! How can names be put on the Rivers, like out of the blue, and not be done clearly by Adam?

Clearly for the Bible to be of a Academic level in University, and for the narration to be faulty, and the lack of literature narrative knowledge by these Academics, puts in huge question, their understanding of reading clear plain language! And to always "embellish" with interpretations what clearly literally is questionably wrong and not clear enough!

AGAIN the time frame of so much occurring in one day is now more than too short! And to have only 12 hours of daylight and not 24 hours!

If you read and understand something else, I suppose I will have to get a Doctor in Divinity to "interpret" the "truth" for me! These Doctors of Divinity, do not study first advanced English and Literature in University!

But believe me, again this is only a mere technicality, and the logic issues are mostly in my first Book: BOOK OF PURE LOGIC!

But in pure logic, wrong time frames, or too extreme time frames, beg the question of even differentiating the "magical" from "reality"!


Genesis 1: [KJV]

26    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29    And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30    And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31    And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Creación del hombre y de la mujer [LBLA]
26    Y dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y ejerza dominio sobre los peces del mar, sobre las aves del cielo, sobre los ganados, sobre toda la tierra, y sobre todo reptil que se arrastra sobre la tierra.
27    Creó, pues, Dios al hombre a imagen suya, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó.
28    Y los bendijo Dios y les dijo: Sed fecundos y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra y sojuzgadla; ejerced dominio sobre los peces del mar, sobre las aves del cielo y sobre todo ser viviente que se mueve sobre la tierra.
29    Y dijo Dios: He aquí, yo os he dado toda planta que da semilla que hay en la superficie de toda la tierra, y todo árbol que tiene fruto que da semilla; esto os servirá de alimento.
30    Y a toda bestia de la tierra, a toda ave de los cielos y a todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra, y que tiene vida, les he dado toda planta verde para alimento. Y fue así.
31    Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y fue la mañana: el sexto día.


Genesis 2:

4    These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
5    And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6    But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7    And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8    And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9    And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
10    And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
11    The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
12    And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
13    And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
14    And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
15    And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16    And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
18    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
19    And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20    And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
21    And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22    And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23    And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24    Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25    And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

El huerto del Edén
4    Estos son los orígenes de los cielos y de la tierra cuando fueron creados, el día en que el SEÑOR Dios hizo la tierra y los cielos.
5    Y aún no había ningún arbusto del campo en la tierra, ni había aún brotado ninguna planta del campo, porque el SEÑOR Dios no había enviado lluvia sobre la tierra, ni había hombre para labrar la tierra.
6    Pero se levantaba de la tierra un vapor que regaba toda la superficie del suelo.
7    Entonces el SEÑOR Dios formó al hombre del polvo de la tierra, y sopló en su nariz el aliento de vida; y fue el hombre un ser viviente.
8    Y plantó el SEÑOR Dios un huerto hacia el oriente, en Edén; y puso allí al hombre que había formado.
9    Y el SEÑOR Dios hizo brotar de la tierra todo árbol agradable a la vista y bueno para comer; asimismo, en medio del huerto, el árbol de la vida y el árbol del conocimiento del bien y del mal.
10    Y del Edén salía un río para regar el huerto, y de allí se dividía y se convertía en otros cuatro ríos.
11    El nombre del primero es Pisón; éste es el que rodea toda la tierra de Havila, donde hay oro.
12    El oro de aquella tierra es bueno; allí hay bedelio y ónice.
13    Y el nombre del segundo río es Gihón; éste es el que rodea la tierra de Cus.
14    Y el nombre del tercer río es Tigris; éste es el que corre al oriente de Asiria. Y el cuarto río es el Eufrates.
15    Entonces el SEÑOR Dios tomó al hombre y lo puso en el huerto del Edén, para que lo cultivara y lo cuidara.
16    Y ordenó el SEÑOR Dios al hombre, diciendo: De todo árbol del huerto podrás comer,
17    pero del árbol del conocimiento del bien y del mal no comerás, porque el día que de él comas, ciertamente morirás.
Formación de la mujer
18    Y el SEÑOR Dios dijo: No es bueno que el hombre esté solo; le haré una ayuda idónea.
19    Y el SEÑOR Dios formó de la tierra todo animal del campo y toda ave del cielo, y los trajo al hombre para ver cómo los llamaría; y como el hombre llamó a cada ser viviente, ése fue su nombre.
20    Y el hombre puso nombre a todo ganado y a las aves del cielo y a toda bestia del campo, mas para Adán no se encontró una ayuda que fuera idónea para él.
21    Entonces el SEÑOR Dios hizo caer un sueño profundo sobre el hombre, y éste se durmió; y Dios tomó una de sus costillas, y cerró la carne en ese lugar.
22    Y de la costilla que el SEÑOR Dios había tomado del hombre, formó una mujer y la trajo al hombre.
23    Y el hombre dijo: Esta es ahora hueso de mis huesos, y carne de mi carne; ella será llamada mujer, porque del hombre fue tomada.
24    Por tanto el hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne.
25    Y estaban ambos desnudos, el hombre y su mujer, y no se avergonzaban.


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Saturday, August 30, 2014

...A Proposal of a New Flag from a Opposition Movement to Chavismo and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {Venezuatu}...! THE NEW COUNTRY OF: Venecian Guiana !

STYLE 1 for the Country and all of Government - Estilo 1 para todo el País y todo el Gobierno

STYLE 2 for celebration days - Estilo 2 para días de celebración

Variation of adding STARS and REPLACING Stars on years count - Variación de añadidura y reemplazo de Estrellas, con el paso de los años {2015}

Variation of adding STARS and REPLACING Stars on years count - Variación de añadidura y reemplazo de Estrellas, con el paso de los años {2016}
Variation of adding STARS and REPLACING Stars on years count - Variación de añadidura y reemplazo de Estrellas, con el paso de los años {2017}, etc...!

...A Proposal of a New Flag from a Opposition Movement to Chavismo and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {Venezuatu}...! THE NEW COUNTRY OF:  Venecian Guiana !

Anónimo Anónimo dijo...

    Lamento que te "sientas" as'i An[onimo 1...!

    Yo disfrut'e a Venezuela mientras ten[ia co'mo vivir!!!

    Pero se demuestra que no se formo' una forma de perpetuacio'n segura de la Democracia fuese la que fuese!

    Poder ir y venir a Venezuela, con la plata que fuese, y bajo las condiciones que fuesen, era mejor que hoy!

    Libre cambio y comercio! Yo no se que se les ha metido a estos bichos los chavistas?

    De todo hay en la viña del señor, pero no el Chavismo Cubano! Esto si que no!

    Son 30 millones de Venezolanos, divididos! Controlar a 15 millones es muy difícil!

    Bueno, yo me imagino que si van a ir a la cárcel, vayan haciendo algo mas que buyita!

    30 de agosto de 2014, 19:08
Anónimo Anónimo dijo...








    El amor a la vida puede mas que la guerra!
    El amor a nuestros hermanos nos une, en vez de pelear.
    Hagamos bien al prójimo, nos dice la Religión!
    Unámonos todos por construir un futuro mejor!

    Ven lo pegajoso que es!

    En vez de una Bandera con estrellas en círculo cómo la EU!
    O un cometa!

    Pongamos tampoco una constelación!
    Ni pleades o la estrella del sur!

    Pongámosle más bién tantas estrellas como años desde 1999, una cada año, hasta que haya que hacerlas mas pequeñas cada vez! En la escuelita dominical u otra ponen estrellitas como premio en sus hojas de trabajito!

    Llenemos la bandera de una Pirámide de negro en medio de una línea amarilla mas oscura pero no naraja(podemos, podemos, MAS)! Una linea arriba de color azul medio cielo! Y una línea abajo, que tres líneas son mejores que dos!

    Qué color le pondremo(s) a la línea de abajo! No se! Pero pudiera ser negra o de color negro! Qué comibinaría mejor! Un color verde medio? Hagamos el experimentiquito! Hagamos el experimento de Chavesitico! O de Quiquito! Ven! Qué esperanzas intentar algo mejor empezando de nuevo aparte de los malos recuerdos!

    Voy ha hacerlo, y se que se van a poner contentos! De algo mejor que esa bandera tan pavosa! De tanta mala suerte!

    Georgito! (Brutico, sentimentalito) Se escribe así? Espero que así se entienda!

    30 de agosto de 2014, 19:28
Anónimo Anónimo dijo...

    He allí su nueva bandera y rey!

    Nombre del ´nuevo país´:

    Venecian Guiana - Guiana Veneciana

    Faltan varios himnos!

    30 de agosto de 2014, 22:17
Anónimo Anónimo dijo...

    Primer anónimo tienes un email o twitter para contactarte?

    30 de agosto de 2014, 22:47

SU NUEVA BANDERA! YA que Venezuela es otra realmente! UNA PAIS, los cubanos, LOS INVADIERON y no fué USA!

---VENTE PA´ TU CASA QUE LOS ADECOS Y COPEYANOS DEJARON DESTRUIR...! #Venezuela #ResistenciaVzla #Maduro #anagrammatt #abiteinthechunk #SOSVenezuela #CongresoCiudadano #PSUV #MESAUnidad

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Thursday, August 28, 2014 evolved and started their self development to dry land...!

More on moron's of Evolution Science and the Bible...!

IGNORANCE AND FORCING RESULTS FROM INVENTED DATA, makes their knowledge and University Books!
Their minds have to tell stories to their week emotions of childish minds!
Truths could do harm to their adult bodies!


Fish out of water can quickly find their feet
    Hannah Devlin
    The Times
    August 29, 2014 12:00AM

THE emergence of fish on to land was a pivotal transition in evolution. Now scientists have attempted to re-create it in a remarkable experiment, in which 100 fish were reared from birth on land. The study used an African fish, the polypterus, that has lungs and can “walk” between pools, but normally spends its entire life in water. The creatures survived “happily” out of water for nearly a year, suggesting ancient marine creatures may have made the leap to land more readily than previously thought.



In modern fish the "walking" ability differs from that of tetrapods (four-legged animals). The theory of evolution suggests that life originated in the oceans and later moved onto land, and paleontologists have long been looking for a missing evolutionary link between ocean-living and land-living animals. Of recent finds, reported in Nature (April 2006) is Tiktaalik roseae, which has many features of wrist, elbow, and neck that are akin to those of tetrapods.[12] It belonged to a group of lobe-finned fish called Rhipidistia, which according to some recent theories were the ancestors of all tetrapods.



...I had not thought of the why there is no mention whatsoever of an kind of APES/MONKEYS/SIMIOS/MONOS in the Bible...!


Evidence is the fossil record, that portrays lower deeper first sedimentary layers with fish, and then later beings closer to the surface of today's Earth!

Some fossil records have been found jumbled up, suggesting mayor Earth cortex´s movements and floodings!

But in pure logic, it could have been that humans were invented first, then everything else the might need, and not need...!

YOU SEE, if you have the more complex being, from that data base, and that of plant cells, you make everything else!

But, there is always the but...!

What is the intention of life forms from the least complex to the most? Exactly that! The normal life pyramid of consumption, known commonly as the PYRAMID OF FOOD CHAIN! Everything needs something else!

BUT THE HUMAN FOOD PYRAMID does not need everything in nature! Though most beings essentially do contribute to a healthy Ecosystem!

So for humans we have an excess of life forms surrounding us! But other life forms do need these extras!

NOW FOR EVOLUTION TO BE TRUE, MY BOOK: "Book of Pure Logic", declares that the DNA recombination would have had to go rampant, out of the species limits...!

For DNA to go RAMPANT, all kinds of monsters and variations would have occurred, that would have died, or from whom would have functioned some kind of feet in fish...!

FOR A FISH TO BECOME A MAMMAL, A MAMMAL FISH, LIKE A DOLPHIN/PORPOISE would have started to have feet and legs instead of fins, and a monkey head instead of their fish heads! THESE ARE CALLED "THE MISSING LINKS" IN EVOLUTION!
The abysmal amounts of these missing monsters, are missing in fossil records, and have never been found! WHY? BECAUSE THE HAVE NEVER EXISTED...! SIMPLE!

NOW FOR FISH TO HAVE FEET AND COME TO LAND, we have the salamanders, mud walking fish, amphibians/frogs, etc...!

BUT FOR MOTHER NATURE, to make b accident, and natures forces, life, and new beings and species, IS NOT EXPLAINED IN GENETIC ENGINEERING, CLEARLY, OR explained only generally!
Evolution Science goes against the initial accepted premise of early Science! ABIOGENESIS and GENESIS...! Never from innate matter and irrational matter...! Rather some kind of not known GENESIS...!

Though they try and make up stories of this occurring in their computer models! THEY IGNORE THE CONCEPT! SOMETHING HAS TO BE THE COMPUTER and not Mother Nature, and something has to be the guiding software...!

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Wrong - Bad Verdict 1: A not so conclusive conclusion !

Wrong - Bad Verdict 1: A not so conclusive conclusion !: Letter and Heart of the Law !   What may be for me might not be for you! That is how it works! But for me the letter of the LAW preva...

Letter and Heart of the Law!


What may be for me might not be for you! That is how it works!

But for me the letter of the LAW prevailed over the logic! And that evidence had to be rightfully kept and not modified! HOW DO YOU PROVE THE WRONG!

What was intended was or could have been me holding the smoking gun! But what is stated received opened by the Pharmacist, is not evidence, as to a product with no guarantee! And there is no "corpus delicti or  criminis mea culpa"!

I had stated that the product was given back as received, they claimed it was open and had the right content! Probably re-fixed content by the same Pharmacy manager!

It was too difficult to prove a percentage of different content, that would be favorable to me!

It was alleged b m person that a previous similar medication of another company had been added or substituted for in bottles of different company of the right medication!

I had the different content evidence! What was not clear is how could it be proven who had done it! As the seals on the bottles used are merely, easy reusable auto-adhesive Styrofoam top ones!

The additional insinuation in the Pharmacists affidavit was, that I had been given to me one month earlier the medication I claimed was given wrongly to me in different bottles as the right one! When the first medication was not good for me! MEANING TO SAY THERE WAS AN ACTUAL INTENT TO INCRIMINATE ME! THAT I WAS THE ONE THAT HAD DONE A PARTIAL MIXTURE IN SIX BOTTLES FROM ONE of the wrong one! What would have saved me, would have been % of concentrations! AS THE BOTTLES I HAD PROBABLY WERE 100% THE PREVIOUS WRONG MED!

The case was dismissed with no available further actions from the defendant, that is obvious! THE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN DISCARDED and has only 1yr life time on shelves as a Pharmacy regulations rule!


What was taken by the letter of the Law and not by the Spirit, means that no further investigations were requested by the Court as I did not have the funding for this! And that evidence was not used! And that the safeguard procedures of Court evidence is also at question!

The Judge simply gave the Registry of the Court a Paper that says dismissed with no available details!

Additionally they paid or got done sampling testing, of one bottle I had taken back to them, which I could not get done! The Court could have done it! But considering that I knew by the REPLY #1 to the CIVIL CLAIM that the DEFENDANT was claiming wrong Company name or incomplete or not textually correct! Though the name was as on the label of the medication! Which was a main claim in the law suit!


The benefits are:

YOU PREFER that the system provides through another pharmacy group the right medication, and that I have Doctors that do not deny their services to me!

THE COURT does prefer the letter of the LAW as main principle which is the LATIN principle!

AND WHAT IS FOR ME MIGHT NOT BE FOR YOU! You have to have big knowledge of Logic and Justice and read all Laws available of the Country pertaining our case! You might slip up along the way!


As to a banning of the BIBLE in another context, as literally wrong by the letter of the Law, there are too many forces against that would interfere the end result! THOUGH NO RELIGIOUS BANNING WOULD BE SOUGHT BY MY PERSON! The Bible could be banned from any recognized Academia or Government! Though they are free to have their seminars and theology institutes! IT IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH, CONGREGATION , RELIGION, and Basic Human Rights.

Of course does HUMANITY and CIVILIZATION want to progress to better logic and pure logic?
I doubt they see the need for it! At the current state of things and how things are run by mediocre or submissive bureaucrats, the World is not getting any better and the trend is slowly to worse conditions! The environment and resources are being used and destroyed! The general mentality is of a grim future! And no God is coming nor their Jesus Christ to save them!
WHILST THE BIBLE BE OF SUCH IMPORTANT PRESENCE, BOTH IN GOVERNMENT AND ACADEMIA, they are exposed to Academic Science analysis, literature analysis, and are not a mere Religion confined to their activities and "public places"...!!! THUS CONFRONTED BY MANY and my Book: "Book of Pure Logic"! If they did not have such public presence, it would not mean much for me to write a critique Book about them! Though all Religions are theme of study as human activities!





g+ (2) for 28 aug 2014: "President Francois Hollande dissolves government! ; more methane ocean plumes! ; Robert Mugabe visits China as critics condemn 'desperate' bid for investment ; Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Wedding Photos: It's Not The First Time Brangelina Have Tied The Knot... (PICS)...! ; The Church of the Resurrection, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; 51y ago #onthisday Martin Luther King Jr changed the world with his dream ; life is not so forgiving - another chance! ; brotherly love! ; womens rights ! "

I would use low interest rates of 3% or lower, plenty of money, and price controls to stop inflation! Eliminate most of Landlords, and house most everybody! And up the level to all to middle class income, be it work or government support! Heaven is here! Street drugs are in hell, with their Jesus and Religion!

PARIS (AP) — President Francois Hollande is weighing his options after dissolving the government on Monday over open feuding in the Cabinet about how much cutting — or spending — will revive the country's stagnant economy.

No worries! Christian do believe the planet will be replenished with O2 or re-made!

CO2 and methane are a big problem and their amounts !

My fish tank needs O2 constantly being bubbled in or the dissolved oxygen levels get too low!




From Becky Oskin, LiveScience Senior Staff Writer. In an unexpected discovery, hundreds of gas plumes bubbling up from the seafloor were spotted during a sweeping survey of the U.S. Atlantic Coast. Even though ocean

George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  Aug 26, 2014

I thought money {money=yen_nom_one_my_nemo_monday} grew on trees, and not blood war diamonds, or ill sourced money!
Zimbabwe's leader in political love-in with Xi Jinping after reports accuse him of selling out his country


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:08 AM
Long lasting relationship ends at it's start! THE WEDDING! Amazing!

In another words a consensual relationship, in which I do not know who did the legal adoptions and which parents name did the kids get! And now all the paper work to put the fathers name on them! IT IS A CHAUVINIST ENGLISH WORLD!


Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Wedding Photos: It's Not The First Time Brangelina Have Tied The Knot... (PICS)

By +Matt Bagwell

Somehow we doubt Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie signed a megabucks deal for exclusive picture rights to their secret wedding in France so it might be some time before we get a peek at their nuptials - if ever.

But we do have the next best thing (at a push) because it's not the first time Brad and Ange have walked down the aisle - and last time they were only too happy to pose for some wedding photos.


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:11 AM
Somebody said: I RESURRECTED "pure logic" from the 18hundreds of Arch Bishop William Thomson!



Hence lets be merry and rejoice, we are all free! There is no such resurrection of the one in the Bible!

The Church of the Resurrection, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:12 AM
Too many followers, and too many whites, that thought blacks might try and take over their country! Or a mere politico agenda of wrong elimination!
51y ago #onthisday Martin Luther King Jr changed the world with his dream. What's your dream? 


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:20 AM
Life is not always so forgiving!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:43 AM
"Brotherly" love! And a Orthodox Evangelical Gospel Hall in Vancouver, B.C. Canada!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  8:40 AM
Women are women, and men are men!

But wages could be equated!
Empowering women empowers humanity. +UN Women is inviting you to add your profile picture and tell the world you support bridging the gender gap!
Instructions are here:


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g+ (1) for 28 aug 2014: "my latest numbers of those I Follow 25 aug 2014 = 1413 ; in this world with so much evil there are also angels! ; Obama: will do justice against the islamic state terrorists! ; Montreal sewage dumped into rivers! ; How Mulcair plans to overtake the Boy Wonder!? "

My latest numbers of those I follow 25Aug2014 = 1413 !


Humans are treated as bad in Canada! Homeless and peasants with no teeth !
in this world with so much evil there are also angels


For Obama's 3rd term, he will surely have a shorter haircut and less tinted hair !

By Mark Felsenthal and Phil Stewart CHARLOTTE, N.C./WASHINGTON Aug 26 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed "justice will be done" against the Islamic

Humans "poop" is more important than the water the need for life !

While the city of Montreal says it’s studying the idea of creating more beaches on its territory, CBC’s French-language service Radio-Canada has learned that sewage waste is dumped directly into the St-Lawrence River and


OTTAWA - The federal Conservatives are telling core supporters that "traditional family values" are a party stance, a phrase that so far has not entered the prime minister's public speeches or official Tory documents.

I know the type of freedoms society I want to live in too! At least of the best eastern European Country!
NDP Leader says he will convince Canadians that he, not Justin Trudeau, is the genuine progressive leader Canada needs


I know the type of freedoms society I want to live in too! At least of the best eastern European Country!

“I know the type of society I want to live in,” NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair opined in the course of an interview. “And it’s not the same one we’ve been bouncing back and forth 
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Monday, August 25, 2014

g+ for mon25aug2014: USA is making money from National Parks! - DTV Mundo transmitting live/youtube from MIAMI (closed from Venezuela with RCTV) by communists Chavismo! - why pray to god with so many dying of political/bureaucrat hunger?

George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:07 PM

For every 1$ the government charges to anything under 50.000$/yr, they make(print) moderately 1,000$...!

So why charge excessive taxes for? TO KEEP UP THE DEGRADATION OF THE LOWER MIDDLE CLASSES! But they do not this money of course! They are the bank of the common known game of MONOPOLY!  YOU HAVE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU PRINT!

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FACT: For every $1 we invest in our national parks, our economy sees $10 in return. Get out to a national park today (admission is free) to celebrate the 98th birthday of the National Park Service →
Read more


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:10 PM
Muy buenos commentarios! Pero un libro del programa y hasta vol1, vol2, etc...! Sería un proyecto de realidad histórica de Venezuela que ya no es ni la Rep. Bol. de Venezuela! Mas bien, pónganle otro nombre! Y voten por el cambio de ese maldito himno Gloria al Bravo Estúpido pueblo!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:16 PM
Keep on praying to yourself, because nobody nor your god needs to hear you! What for?

Your god will not save you nor this World!


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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

g+ for today : bible studies from an asshole, the rich and the poor! - dalai lama = tibetans love, so china conquered them! - Cuba and Canada, by the letter "C"...! - Taxi work in the Cuba Venezuela! - arm the kurds! - make your own money! - Canada needs to preserve its values! - womens education USA, the bible might come back to bite you! - separation of state and the bible! - evolution has imagination! - vancouver the 3rd best city to live "in"...! - bill clinton's causes of mistakes! - isis 'beheads' USA "journalist"...!

that is right! heaven is not here! we are their slaves!

The true job of cops. Remember, violence that goes downward is totally fine. Okay for the rich to rape your land, pollute your stuff, strip you of your home, etc. but if you dare steal a bag of cigars or fight back for a second…

The true job of cops. Remember, violence that goes downward is totally fine. Okay for the rich to rape your land, pollute your stuff, strip you of your home, etc. but if you dare steal a bag of cig...
Yep! Principles of love in a world of force and power and ancient human rights!
The first beneficiary of compassion is always oneself. When compassion, or warmheartedness, arises in us and our focus shifts away from our own narrow self-interest, it is as if we open an inner door. It reduces fear, boosts confidence and brings us inner strength. By reducing distrust, it opens us to others and brings us a sense of connection to others, and sense of purpose and meaning in life.
Algunas similitudes con detenciones por cosas pocas en Canada al servicio de salud mental! Sin derchos por 3 semanas! Salida a la familia 48hrs a la familia! Obligado a tomar torturosos pharmaceuticos con efectos secundarios de lavado cerebral y dolor psicologico!

Some similitudes with the detention system of RCMP police and mental health Canada for small things,etc! 3 weeks of no rights detencion! free on week ends for 48hrs to family! obliged to use torture pharmaceuticals with psychological hurt and brain washing negative effect! A SYSTEM OF FEAR more than education!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  11:08 AM
This is the true Venezuela that has been Cubanized! I am witness!

Most Venezuelans want Chavismo to go "home" now!
IF YOU DO NOT LINE UP: THE THEORY OF BIBLE MANNA! It will be all gone when you come later!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  11:35 AM

This is the Cuban Venezuela! A illegal taxi! Trying to make a living!

Come to the rich Vancouver Canada! And try and work as a poor peasant!
The druggies and rental landlords live off them!

Tras la campaña lanzada por el Ministerio de Turismo, los usuarios de las redes sociales no se hicieron esperar en remedar las aventuras de “Cheverito” en Venezuela. Esta vez, mírelo desplazar en un famoso “carrito”, transporte 


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  11:42 AM
Makes sense! Before there are no more normal KURDS!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  11:59 AM
11:58 AM

CANADA! BEWARE of: Venezuela cubanization; LIBERALS; Drugsters; and sistemists!

Their system permeates! And damages! They need more peasants for drugs, rentals for LANDLORDS, and foreclosures!

They need to control and buy governments and souls!

CANADA reject MADURO and CUBA openly! LIBERALS made it more possible for them!

WHAT Venezuela did not give me, is happening to me again in Canada! And by the same scum bags I have mentioned!
When we speak up for the brave people of Ukraine, when we help save the lives of mothers and their babies in the developing world, or when we stand by Israel against the anti-Semitic terrorists and extremists who seek her annihilation - that is Canada at our very best. 

 Protect Canada without protection! Now that sure is a start! Get rid of Liberals from BC...!


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  12:51 PM
Takes some undertaking !
Customized community currency? It's more common than you think.
People across the world are launching local currencies -- and you can too.


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:04 PM

The Bible is pervasive! It might come back to finally bite you! And try to destroy you! It is the final subliminal goal!

Denial of better logic, true logic, and to follow the Bible fable, is one of the worst evil mind forces! It will permeate even government!

Denial of original work and recognition, is pervasive! Even if you have done it before in History! This time pure logic is final!
Do you know a young woman heading off to college? Make sure she makes time for her health. Share these tools:


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:13 PM
What is a day-to-day example of a lack of separation between church and state you have noticed which does not receive proper public attention? The best suggestion will receive a copy of An Appetite for Wonder by Richard Dawkins.

Leave your comments here:

1:18 PM
The best example could be: Swearing in court on the Bible! Or: Singing a christian song in a President government act!

George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:25 PM
I think Evolution is more naive in imagination than partially crap logic of Religions!



George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  1:57 PM
for some few it is not so !

More than 10000 east downtown junkies!

10% of 1Million lower mainland, peasants!!!
Photos: Vancouver the third most livable city in the world


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  2:05 PM
Every mistake I have made, is because I was not "tired"...!
Happy 68th birthday to President Bill Clinton, who said, “Every important mistake I’ve made in my life, I’ve made because I was too tired.” Here with him at an event in LA in 2003.


George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  -  2:09 PM
yeah! and your hospitals murders!
"Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL." -President Barack Obama

Read more here:

President Obama on the Murder of James Foley

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