The World will soon be "toast" at the end of the existence of crude oil and asphalt for roads! DO YOU KNOW WHY?
Keystone is really a false sense of wealth and reality ! A "TOAST" to doom!

We value respectful and thoughtful discussion. Readers are encouraged to flag comments that fail to meet the standards outlined in our Community Code of Conduct. For further information, including our legal guidelines, please see our full...
Dirt is another way of being and having money to not use!

Can Stocks go down bad altogether or share the downs? Other than go bankrupt or expect a Government bailout!
Used to take food the nearly 1Billion hungry humans! And a few hundred million dying of starvation[star_vation!]...!

If "Saints" were true beings the World would be a better place and the Vatican would not need money from "the laundromat"...!

Pope Francis Canonized Six New Saints This Weekend
VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Francis canonized six new saints Sunday, including a priest and a nun from the Indian state of Kerala, in a packed ceremony in St. Peter's Square. The pope said the new saints, four Italians from far-flung provinces and tw...
I believe in reality and not nice word from a religious Book! This Jesus offers only two[dos] solutions to your future after life and your "strangers"...! Black and white love ! Too extreme!
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?

President Obama should be applauded for defending America's greatest values and challenging the nation to be a welcoming place for the stranger. For in the face of the stranger we see the face of God....
The Huffington Post
I believe in reality and not nice word from a religious Book! This Jesus offers only two[dos] solutions to your future after life and your "strangers"...! Black and white love ! Too extreme!
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?

Reza Aslan joins Ahmed to explore some of the more uncomfortable facts about Jesus.
HuffPost Live
Rabbi: "where dwellest thou...?"
Noo! Rabbi was a common expression say some christians!
But Rabbi's are married! Quaint misnomer of word usage in the Bible!
Noo! Rabbi was a common expression say some christians!
But Rabbi's are married! Quaint misnomer of word usage in the Bible!

(RNS) Another day, another stunning blockbuster report that … Jesus was married! And to Mary Magdalene! T...
I believe in reality and not nice word from a religious Book! This Jesus offers only two[dos] solutions to your future after life and your "strangers"...! Black and white love ! Too extreme!
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?
Meanwhile Jesus is not here nor never will be, and we have enough citizens!
How can somebody in dire need want to have to have on top a "stranger"...?
Another Survey Tells Us What We Already Know: Women, Especially Women Of Color, Are Not Selected...
Black, Asian and Latina women combined barely make up 1 percent of the total number of persons in top...
Black, Asian and Latina women combined barely make up 1 percent of the total number of persons in top...
Slaves ?
A English peasant and poordom is a form of slavery...!
And Jesus said as a damnation: " you will always have the poor ...!" Why didn't he say, we should be all well here and not after life in an imaginary heaven?
Jesus falsely makes people poor, by saying that poordom is a beatitude or benefit spiritually, taking away ambition by giving false hopes in heaven! Though heartless Rich sure are shit humans!

A English peasant and poordom is a form of slavery...!
And Jesus said as a damnation: " you will always have the poor ...!" Why didn't he say, we should be all well here and not after life in an imaginary heaven?
Jesus falsely makes people poor, by saying that poordom is a beatitude or benefit spiritually, taking away ambition by giving false hopes in heaven! Though heartless Rich sure are shit humans!

10 Countries With The Most Slaves
While many believe slavery is an issue of the past, it remains a real, yet largely hidden, problem. An estimated 35.8 million people are enslaved worldwide, according to a recent report by the Walk Free Foundation, a human rights...
Huffington Post Canada

People like sleeping out and making lineups! It is amazing! I suppose for the fun of it! Not that cold for the West Coast!
Do you know who don't have money not even for Black Friday, [the day the God of the Bible created humans: including Eve and then says Adam was first with animals: wow a time frame problem and wrong story...!]? THE POOR PEASANTS!
Do you know who don't have money not even for Black Friday, [the day the God of the Bible created humans: including Eve and then says Adam was first with animals: wow a time frame problem and wrong story...!]? THE POOR PEASANTS!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are gaining prominence among Canadian shoppers with close to 40 per cent...
wHITE and Jew and descendant from King that! Imagine! THIS IS TO GIVE HIM THE imaginary importance! Though no Roman or Jew Rabbi or Pharisee really believed Jesus had any Royal blood in him!
But Jesus's ministry included two gross claims! Son of a God and King!
wHITE and Jew and descendant from King that! Imagine! THIS IS TO GIVE HIM THE imaginary importance! Though no Roman or Jew Rabbi or Pharisee really believed Jesus had any Royal blood in him!
But Jesus's ministry included two gross claims! Son of a God and King!
This of course was politically a problem!
To manifest himself equally to all human races, was not to be done at the same time...which I do not understand! Jesus should have gone to all nations!
Anyway, this God and Jesus are not black or Chinese! And Chinese and Blacks where from the chastisement by God of the sons of NOAH! Shem Can and Hafet!
Otherwise the Bible cannot explain races from ADAM and EVE! Oh yeah! A big genetic pool!!! Na, naahhh...! Imagine the joke my Dad was black, and my greatgrandson had a really black child...!
To manifest himself equally to all human races, was not to be done at the same time...which I do not understand! Jesus should have gone to all nations!
Anyway, this God and Jesus are not black or Chinese! And Chinese and Blacks where from the chastisement by God of the sons of NOAH! Shem Can and Hafet!
Otherwise the Bible cannot explain races from ADAM and EVE! Oh yeah! A big genetic pool!!! Na, naahhh...! Imagine the joke my Dad was black, and my greatgrandson had a really black child...!

Opinion by Edward J. Blum, special to CNN (CNN) -- Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly sparked outrage this week by insisting that Jesus and Santa Claus are both white, saying it's "ridiculous" to argue that depicting...
wHITE and Jew and descendant from King that! Imagine! THIS IS TO GIVE HIM THE imaginary importance! Though no Roman or Jew Rabbi or Pharisee really believed Jesus had any Royal blood in him! But Jesus's ministry included two gross claims! Son of a God and King!
This of course was politically a problem!
To manifest himself equally to all human races, was not to be done at the same time...which I do not understand! Jesus should have gone to all nations!
Anyway, this God and Jesus are not black or Chinese! And Chinese and Blacks where from the chastisement by God of the sons of NOAH! Shem Can and Hafet!
Otherwise the Bible cannot explain races from ADAM and EVE! Oh yeah! A big genetic pool!!! Na, naahhh...! Imagine the joke my Dad was black, and my greatgrandson had a really black child...!
To manifest himself equally to all human races, was not to be done at the same time...which I do not understand! Jesus should have gone to all nations!
Anyway, this God and Jesus are not black or Chinese! And Chinese and Blacks where from the chastisement by God of the sons of NOAH! Shem Can and Hafet!
Otherwise the Bible cannot explain races from ADAM and EVE! Oh yeah! A big genetic pool!!! Na, naahhh...! Imagine the joke my Dad was black, and my greatgrandson had a really black child...!

President Barack Obama will order immigration officers to deport "felons not families" as he uses his executive power to make immigration changes.|By Jim Acosta and Stephen Collinson, CNN