i would feel "dirty" with a selfie with that white washed life that lives off religious tales, and makes humans stupid superstitious kids...!
NEW YORK, N.Y. - What do you call a group selfie? An usie, of course!
Shared publicly - 12:25 PMThe Russian Red Cross is not alone in its efforts. Russian Human Rights Commissioner Ella Pamfilova has been trying to achieve the same goal.
Shared publicly - 12:16 PM---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shared publicly - 12:19 PM...justin you are no future for Canada!
...you might be a future for yourself...!
Politics now is very much public performance: Think of the early Obama. Biography and lifestyle can trump any platform.
Shared publicly - 12:14 PMThe National Security Agency may be working to crack the anonymous Tor browser, but the US government actually donated close to $2 million to the project in 2013.
Shared publicly - 12:14 PM...with the current leaders, i think they are better than any leaders of WW1...!
...there is a more modern influence in education and World Governments!
...no WW3 makes any sense for anything...! unless somebody is playing some kind of end game...!
The leaders of 1914 recklessly led the world into a nightmarish war. Do you really believe today's leaders are any smarter?
Shared publicly - 12:07 PM...a mature NDP...! that makes sense!
His message that the situation cannot be reduced to moral platitudes appears to have been aimed as much at NDP hardliners as at the Conservatives
Shared publicly - 12:09 PM
Experts fear the inquiry has become bogged down almost before it has begun. Here, everything that we do know, and don’t know, about Flight MH17
Shared publicly - 12:00 PM...russia you are slowly getting cubanized ...!
...is it worth to try and cubanize back ?
...i doubt it...! unless you are playing some kind of end game...!

The U.S. and Europe kicked off a joint effort intended to curb Russia’s long-term ability to develop new oil resources, taking aim at the Kremlin’s premier source of wealth and power in...
Shared publicly - 12:02 PM
When FBI agents and police officers fanned out across the U.S. last month in a weeklong effort to rescue child sex trafficking victims, they pulled minors as young as 11 from hotel rooms, truck stops...
Shared publicly - 11:54 AM...twitter is too small and limits me too much to followers...!
...GOOGLE G+ is way better...!
TWITTER can you go bigger in format ???

Twitter is trading at around 70 times its projected earnings for the year - a generous multiple, even in the world of technology
Shared publicly - 11:56 AM...eliz, i mean elizabeth! if you knew what arabs are and palestinians you would not defend them as such...!
Green Leader Elizabeth May is distancing herself from her party president after he wrote a strongly worded blogpost on the Gaza conflict that condemns Hamas and supports Israel.
Shared publicly - 11:49 AM...I WOULD ADD that a WW3 is not required in the worst case of scenarios! That is if you know how!?
Shared publicly - 11:42 AMLONGEST game i have ever known>>>! can last a day or more!
but you can get to like it...!
AN END GAME like that they are doing on me! takes as long as "they" want...! MAYANS...!
India (330 & 112/4) trail England (569/7 dec & 205/4 dec) by 332 runs
Shared publicly - 11:35 AMAn ad depicting a deadly domestic violence scenario attempts to portray what some women face. It is also depicts the next front in the gun control debate.
Shared publicly - 11:15 AMHis short-term push for a cease-fire in Gaza risks a long-term peace.
Shared publicly - 11:11 AMThe latest from The Post’s editorial cartoonist.
Shared publicly - 11:09 AM---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shared publicly - 11:08 AM...republicans and paul ryan...! your next economy crash...! and medical uninsured...!
Shared publicly - 10:31 AMSeveral Fraser Health Authority hospitals have some of the worst results in Canada on various measures of patient safety and quality of care, according to a report prepared for the ministry of health and released Wednesday.
Shared publicly - 10:30 AMPatients have flooded Surrey Memorial Hospital’s new emergency department, raising concerns the nine-month old facility may already be over capacity. The number of patients seeking treatment at Surrey’s ER has jumped 27.5 per cent since it opened Oct. 1, 2013, compared to the
Shared publicly - 10:27 AM...NOT only that...! they have never given me any required medical attention ! I have had to go elsewhere to Drs. and to Venezuela! But to private clinics in Venezuela as the chavistas one had the same eco results as this Hospital in Canada...! BIZARRE...!!! And the private clinic gave me a visible my own true view, good result...!!!
...GOV OF CANADA something is wrong with FRASER HEALTH and British Columbia...!
...not only that...! this emergency is the entry door to a hidden in plain eye sight "GITMO-mental health detention center-extra judicial", VIET CONG torture center...!
Fraser Health hospitals are diverting or transferring stroke patients to Vancouver hospitals, creating “less than ideal” care, according to an external report prepared for the provincial government.
Shared publicly - 10:17 AM
...i bet ya, they still are far away from understanding, the time light travels, and how the light pathway, is a continuous photon, that is a spiral due to EARTH ROTATION SPEED, and who knows what else is rotating, and not VISIBLY IN THE CORRECT POSITION ...!
Shared publicly - 9:59 AM...es hora de bloquear mas y mas a Venezuela, y quitarles esta victoria del mal a ellos y a los CASTRO...!
Shared publicly - 10:09 AM...the death penalty is as ancient minded logic, as the Bible big bad wolf that is going to punish you for ever in hell, if you are bad and don't convert to Jesus and become "born again"...!
...it appears to deter crime and homicides...! but it is not the best deterrent! the best deterrent is education, work, and a good life...!
...USA, sometimes i wonder where their intelligence is...?! in their minds or in their heads...!
Shared publicly - 9:58 AM...it is time to block more and more Venezuela! these cubanists think they can enjoy life and do the biggest thefts of Gov treasure in this countries history!
...you do not know what they might be willing to do to expand their power control!
...what a victory for cubans of the CASTRO's...! how can USA and the World let them enjoy this victory of evil...?
July 28th, 2014 at 2:00 pm Junkies finance everything with DRUGS, because Governments do not have work for all and a good life! HOW can governments work along with DRUGS? Why? The lure of what is not given through legal means!