Dirtbag Derwick’s New Shill
Sorry to say, when you find where and how to enjoy the dollars away from the HELL OF A PLACE OF VENEZUELA, they do it…!
Hans Hertell, Boricua, former US Ambassador to the Dominican Republic (2001-07), attorney (of course), former banker in Puerto Rico, longtime pal of infamously notorious Cuban-Venezuelan dirtbags that own properties in La Romana and Miami. You’ll be reading a lot more about him soon in another blog, methinks. Sadly, another example of former US President George W. Bush’s congenitally bad judgment
Simon says….
That is what they say cannot be done these days! Only in the middle east with the armned rebel groups! But never in Venezuela! Well guerrillas are rebel armed groups!But guerrillas happen to be on the wrong side of a modern World
Hugo Carvajal, Friend of the FARC…
ES TRISTE que la droga tenga tanto lugar en gobiernos y Venezuela!!! Sufre es la poblacion!
…and associate of 6to Poder’s Leocenis Garcia.
Hey Gringo, a reader opines.
You might be on the right track about why Hugo “El Pollo” Carvajal and 6to Poder’s publisher, Leocenis Garcia, became associates while Garcia was jailed in Carvajal’s dungeonsin Boleita.
Perhaps the two indeed became partners in extortion, as you suggested. “El Pollo” certainly has dirt on practically everyone, and Leocenis owns a media group he can hammer anyone with – except the regime, of course. “El Pollo” can feed Garcia incriminating intelligence to the 6to Poder publisher, who can in-turn spin intelligence into scandalous, embarrassing and legally incriminating investigative exposes. “El Pollo” can then supply the muscle to ensure big cash payoffs are made to avert potential scandals and criminal prosecutions. But have you considered an alternative?
Perhaps “El Pollo” hired Leocenis Garcia for some reputational rehabilitation in Venezuela? I’m told by my pals in Miami, Gringo, that…
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